Featured case study | Sustainability Video

Sustainability Video

Generating more qualified leads to move more products.

In such a cluttered marketplace, brands need to stay relevant (not just visible) to many audiences—customers, retail channels, industry media, and social influencers to name a few. With 34 years of experience, our team is known for delivering unexpected insights, expert advice, and measurable results.

Home Products

Home Products


Discover how we helped this legacy brand recapture its audience, retail visibility, and brand prestige.


Pet Products

Tetra GloFish® Market Launch

The introduction of a new, fluorescent fish species raised questions for hobbyists and enthusiasts alike. Education beyond just features and benefits was key to this successful new product launch.

Tetra Open Stock Program for PetSmart®

When discounted pricing no longer attracted the new customers our client wanted, our behavioral insights helped them deliver more of what these consumers needed.

Marineland Product Launch

Most new product video focus on features and benefits, but a little creativity transformed this dynamic new product introduction video.

Tetra 30-30-30 Education Video

Like many manufacturers, our client relies on its sales channels to help customers enjoy a great experience with their brand. Training tools that work equally well for sales associates and new customers are effective solutions. Read more.

Tetra GloFish Retail Promotion

When a huge marketing opportunity presented itself, our client wanted a creative new “experience” that would capture and hold the attention of their trade media, sales channels, customers, and consumers.



Tetra GloFish Packaging Promotion

Can a sequel promotion do as well as the original?


Pet Products



At Anderson Group, we have experience in both the consumer and commercial flooring worlds, so we understand the challenges within both. We know that retailers struggle to differentiate products and brands in an industry awash in a sea of sameness. This makes helping consumers (who are also struggling with paralysis of choice) more difficult. On top of that, when a client launches a new product, it's essential for them to simplify why their product is needed. They have to make it easier for retail sale associates to sell their products to their various audiences, including consumers, architects, designers and facility/property managers. The two-step process of selling, B2B then B2C, creates a host of challenges we understand and overcome from the get-go, which allows us to wipe the floor with the competition.


It’s a total no-nonsense industry that tolerates zero fluff. It’s the ultimate “with as little conversation as possible” industry. This makes it extremely difficult to separate yourself from your competitors because sometimes a subtle difference can make a huge impact – and promoting that can be complicated. For instance, our work for Reading Truck Body included unifying their key communication tools, like sell sheets and eblasts, to have a sleek, modern look that matched their commitment to innovation. Also, the new brand look allowed us to quickly call out the product benefits and differentiators so readers could understand what makes RTB better. By taking the time to dive in and understand our clients’ audiences and what they want in an end product, AG can help shift an automotive organization’s marketing initiatives into high gear.




The world is changing at an unbelievable pace. Every day something new is created to make our lives better.  But often, technology is so sophisticated it is hard to explain. AG understands how to make technology advances simple and easy to understand and most importantly, relevant to the consumer. For instance, one our clients, Voceio, talked about all the great things their technology did. But they couldn’t explain who it could help, why it is beneficial and how it can help. Diving in to understand the core benefit of the technology allowed us to market it to the hotel/resort industry.  Here we could explain how it would benefit their guests by providing information right from their room and how it would help the resort itself by cutting down on support staff, enhance their reputation as a high tech property and provide guest data and analytics. Our video presentation, explaining the technology and its benefit to the end user, made a tremendous impression on two of the biggest resorts in the country.