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Plan? What Plan?

Questions to answer

Plan? What Plan?

May 11, 2020  |  By: Anderson Group

We know that marketing strategies need to be rewritten. Budgets are unclear. Everyone—employers, employees and customers—are readjusting, distracted, and continuing to cope with the changes in their household, their business, and finances.

However, as we all slowly emerge from this situation, marketing managers will need to act quickly and thoughtfully to reignite brand engagement and sales. While there are many unknowns, there also are opportunities. It starts by answering these five key questions together with your team to rethink and rebuild your organization’s positive momentum: 


1. How will we adjust our programs if our budgets are cut or put on hold?

  • What programs or projects could be delayed 3-6 months and still meet our goals?
  • How will we rapidly ramp up or down if business or sales plans change midstream?
  • What new communications and/or dashboards are needed to keep everyone on track and informed? 


2. How do my marketing strategies and plans need to change?

  • What should we keep doing because it’s working?
  • What should we stop doing because it’s lost relevance or may not be financially prudent?
  • What should we start doing because we foresee a new challenge or an opportunity? 


3. Are my marketing messages still relevant and effective?

  • Do we need to change how we find/engage/inform our customers and prospects?
  • Are there new ways we can influence public opinion and support our brand's value?
  • What new messages will help us retain customers and attract new prospects?


4. How have our customers and prospects changed in the last 60 days?

  • What new patterns do our sales, digital ads, and website statistics show that can give us insights into new needs or interests?
  • What survey tools will help gauge our customers’ changing attitudes, fears, and behaviors?
  • How can our customer service and sales team help gain more information from customers and prospects?


5. What affect has the last 60 days had on my data?

  • How do our pre- and post-pandemic analytics compare against our original metrics and KPIs?
  • Are any adjustments in our forecasting and predictive analytic algorithms needed due to these unusual circumstances?
  • What new metrics and KPIs are needed to monitor positive movement against our new goals?

For more information and assistance, or to brainstorm other ideas, feel free to reach out to our brand strategist, Linda Anderson. You can reach her directly at landerson@thinkanderson.com or by emailing Kevin Clarkin at kclarkin@thinkanderson.com.