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Marketing Preparedness

Staying Productive

Staying Productive

April 8, 2020  |  By: Anderson Group

As we continue to adapt to the new normal of working from home, how do you make the most of your unique circumstances? We’d like to offer marketers a few suggestions. Completing even one or two of these items will have you better prepared for when things revert to “business as usual.”


Clean Up Your Contact Database

  • Go through your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program and add names
  • Have sales talk with your account executives for additional names to add to the list
  • Depending on your platform, create new lists

At Anderson Group, our sales team recently worked with our creative team to see if leads could be segmented into messaging groups. We managed to create a variety of different segments, including a financial group that receives specific campaigns and tailored messaging.

 For more detail on cleaning up your CRM database, check out this article from Insycle.


Clean Up Your Email Contact List

  • Whittle out your list to see who’s relevant
  • In most email programs, you can check to see who your frequent-openers are
  • Use the analytics to see if your programs can be tweaked

Also, it’s good to ask yourself: When is the optimal time to be sending your emails and are you sending them at that time? Are specific industries responding better than others, and why? Is there an opportunity to build a strategic plan or campaign around these results?

Learn more about cleaning up your email list from the experts at Constant Contact here.

Focus More on Your Content Marketing Efforts

  • Update links within your blog posts and, while you’re at it, increase your interlinks (meaning, increase the number of links your article links to. Learn more about interlinking here.)
  • Update old articles and freshen up existing content
  • Remove stale, outdated or irrelevant content
  • Stay consistent – keep a steady rate of engagement with your target audience
  • The “softer sell” of content marketing and the versatility of information you can provide can help you deliver the right tone during these stressful times


Get Social

  • Facebook
    • Use your Facebook page as a place for your remote workers to touch base
    • If you have a schedule of posts, check to make sure the posts are still relevant
  • All Social Platforms
    • Modify your content calendars

Right now, it’s a good time to check in with your marketing partners to ask how they can help you modify your campaigns and messaging.

If you need help with any of these projects – or would like any free advice – we’re happy to help. Email us at hello@thinkanderson.com.


Be well, be healthy, we're all in this together.