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Strategic Brand Development


Driving Impact with Share of Voice and Influencer Insights.

Share of Voice and Influencer Insights

December 16, 2019  |  By: Anderson Group

Making Metrics Matter:

Driving Impact with Share of Voice and Influencer Insights. 

There was a time when collecting as much data as possible felt empowering for marketers. Armed with things like number of visitors, number of users, view rates, open rates, and CTRs was a real game-changer.

Or so we thought.

The reality is that many of us sit on troves of data we eagerly collect from campaign to campaign. But, if you’re using vanity metrics without aligning your KPIs to meaningful measurements, you are collecting empty numbers. Numbers alone have their blind spots. 

When you tailor your strategies to meet specific marketing goals, metrics can tell a much bigger story about your customers, marketing efforts, and brand’s competitiveness by monitoring and identifying activities. Two leading insights marketers focus on to make their data actionable are the share of voice within their spheres of influence and a profile of top influencers [who help shape your brand directly or indirectly].

SHARE OF VOICE (SOV):  With the right SOV metrics, you can track your brand’s visibility, activity, and depth of coverage via active online conversations, posts by opinion influencers, and levels of engagement in both earned media and social media channels.  Now you can gauge:

  • Who’s talking about your brand
  • What they’re saying
  • Where they’re saying it
  • How it compares to your competitors 

Knowing your SOV can help you adapt products or services, develop new offerings, and adjust your marketing efforts according to the conversations people are having.   

TOP INFLUENCERS: Embracing more sophisticated measurement tools also lets you identify what top influencers are saying about you in social media and earned media. You can compare social media mentions vs. online news. You can even track specific channels your influencers use and the top social “posters.”

Timely access to these content streams gives you a great way to interact meaningfully with potential influencers, whether it’s to provide further explanation or to quickly correct misinformation before it gains traction and goes viral.

Having the unique ability to “listen in” on what your customers and potential customers are saying about you, and to whom, can lead to more purposeful engagement. You can reframe conversations to represent your brand more accurately on social media. You can help identify efforts that aren’t working, so you can reallocate funds to initiatives that are.  Simply put, with relevant insights to give your metrics better context, you can gain a better understanding of what’s in the minds of your customers and, then, act on it